Protocol buffers is a language-agnostic data-serialization format developed by Google, designed to be faster than XML for sending data over a network. Protocolbuffers是一个由Google开发的与语言无关的数据串行化格式,旨在比XML更快地通过网络传送数据。
The protocol handler only handles the semantics required for establishing a connection, receiving data, and sending data. 协议处理器只处理建立连接、接收数据和发送数据所需的语义。
Basically, a protocol should know how to handle making and losing connections, and receiving and sending data within a connection. 协议基本上应该知道如何处理连接的建立和断开,以及如何在连接中接收和发送数据。
When a Web page uses Ajax, it is asynchronously sending data to and receiving data from a Web server. 当一个Web页面使用Ajax时,它将异步向Web服务器发送或从其中接收数据。
It seems that the onSensorChanged method is invoked constantly, as the accelerometer and orientation sensors are rapidly sending data. 似乎经常需要调用onSensorChanged方法,因为加速表和方向传感器正在快速发送数据。
In the previous two articles, I showed you how to make GET requests; in an upcoming article, you'll learn all about sending data to the server using POST requests. 在前两篇文章中,我们已经介绍了如何生成GET请求;在马上就要发表的一篇文章中,您会学习有关使用POST请求将数据发送到服务器上的知识。
You're sending all your data across the network as clear text, which is about as unsecure as you can manage to get when it comes to sending data. 在跨网络以纯文本发送所有数据的时候,发送数据面临的不安全性超出了您的处理能力。
As described above, loosely typed web services allow sending data without declaring up front, in the interface definition, the structure of the data. 如上所述,松散类型Web服务可以在前面的接口定义中没有声明数据的结构情况下发送数据。
Instead of sending data to the client, Wicket renders the components on the server side and sends the rendered markup. 与向客户机发送数据相反,Wicket在服务器端呈现组件并发送所呈现的那个标记。
Agencies can acquire information directly from the waterborne buoys, eliminating the delay of sending data to a shoreside data center. 代理机构可以直接从水上的浮标获取信息,这避免了将数据发送给沿岸数据中心的延时。
This is a realistic assumption because Web service interaction duration consists of sending data back and forth. 这一假设比较符合实际,因为Web服务交互过程包括来回发送数据。
Obviously, if you're sending data to a server-side program that requires XML-formatted input, then you will want to use XML as your data format. 显然,如果要向需要XML格式的输入的服务器端程序发送数据,那么希望使用XML作为数据格式。
If you have trouble connecting or sending data to testcase servers, check the firewall and proxy settings within your network. 如果您无法连接到Testcase服务器或无法向其发送数据,请检查网络中的防火墙和代理设置。
A portlet can be both a source and target, sending data to one portlet and receiving data from another portlet. 一个portlet可以同时是源portlet和目标portlet,向一个portlet发送数据,并从其他portlet接受数据。
When sending data to a native language application, a new instance of the class is created and setter methods are used to populate the attributes. 在发送数据到本地语言应用程序时,将创建类的新实例且setter方法用于填充属性。
Take a look at the first parameter to determine which sensor is sending data. 查看第一个参数确定哪个传感器在发送数据。
Even so, the generally agreed-upon future is that there will be more data, not less; more data sources will be sending data into the enterprise and the speed of data flow will only increase. 尽管如此,人们一致认为未来会有更多的数据,而不是更少;更多数据源会将数据发送给企业,数据流动速度将有增无减。
In Ajax apps, while there are very few reasons to use XML as the sending data format, there are a lot of reasons why you might want a server to send XML back from a server, to a client. 在Ajax应用程序中,使用XML作为发送数据的格式的理由很少,但使服务器向客户机回发XML的理由很多。
These approaches are required for non-repudiation of data and sending data securely over the Internet. 需要使用这些方法来实现数据的不可否认性和通过Internet安全地发送数据。
Sending data through POST requires three steps. 通过POST发送数据要求三个步骤。
Therefore, each partition is sending data to all other partitions, while leaving some data behind. 因此,每个分区都将数据发送到所有其他分区,同时留有部分数据。
When executing functions or sending data which will be analyzed, you need to carefully evaluate the choice between document and. 当执行函数或发送将会被分析的数据时,您需要小心地评估在文档和RPC之间的选择。
Without having read the classified portions of the report, which are said to contain more specifics-it mentions only vague instances of 'beaconing,' which is intended to mean sending data back to China-it's hard to argue with Huawei's position. 在未看到报告保密部分内容的情况下(据说包括更多详情),很难反驳华为的立场。报告只提到一些隐约的信标活动,信标活动指的是向中国传回数据。
An error occurred while sending data via infrared. The transfer has been aborted. 通过红外线发送数据时出现错误,已经终止传输。
The most basic resource that you have direct control over is the bandwidth of the network on which the application is sending data. 你可以直接控制的、最基本的资源就是网络带宽。
The communication is opportunistic in delay-tolerant network, and the nodes spend limited time in sending data. 容迟网络的通信具有机会性,且传输时间受到严格限制。
Of 124 that they identified, 83 were sending data without encrypting them. 在找到的124个无线网中,有83个在传送资料时没有加密。
This chapter examines the fastest techniques for sending data to and receiving it from the server, as well as the most efficient formats for encoding data. 本章考察从服务器收发数据最快的技术,以及最有效的数据编码格式。
Electronic mail: A method of sending data from one place to another, anywhere in the world, using telephone wires, radio waves, optical fibre cable or satellite. 电子邮件:把数据从一地点经电话线、无线电波、光学纤维或卫星送往地球上任何地点的方法。
It seems that most businesses have fairly similar requirements relating to the issues of sending data either between applications or between themselves and their trading partners. 看起来大多数企业在软件之间或者与合作伙伴之间发送数据的问题上有着类似的需求。